Posts for May 2012 archives
May 29, 2012
GSK event at City Golf, Bangsar Shopping Centre
GSK just had an event at City Golf, Bangsar Shopping Centre. I was there for an earlier meeting with the owners to discuss about the upcoming shoot of the newly renovated golfing centre. After the meeting, I provided a quick coverage of the event to produce pictures of the guests mingling and interacting within the interior spaces.
May 28, 2012
A taste of roasted coffee in Tanjung Sepat
I made a trip down to Tanjung Sepat last Saturday with two primary purposes in mind. Catch a glimpse of the famous lover's bridge and get up close and personal with coffee. I've read in the papers previously that Tanjung Sepat is pretty well known for its coffee. They cultivate and roast their own coffee. The first thing that caught my eye was the roaster. It was hot as we neared it. They were feeding the roaster with firewood from one end while a large mechanized stirrer swings into action, whipping up misty clouds of smoke.
May 21, 2012
Pitting against the Kuala Lumpur Fencing Centre
I had the privileged opportunity to photograph the fencers/members of the Kuala Lumpur Fencing Centre last Saturday. Being curious of this much overshadowed sport compared to soccer or badminton, I jumped right in on the chance to see this activity up close. Instead of dropping by at their main centre; Sole to Soul Dance Studio in Taman Sea, I ended up at their second branch in Kelana Jaya as there was an ongoing class then.
May 14, 2012