Posts for November 2013 archives
November 9, 2013
Corporate Paintball Team Building Event
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, as claimed by a proverbial saying. Staying true to this age-old adage, Rentwise recognizes the importance of the play element in “resetting” its many hardworking employees! Rentwisers recently came together for a paintball team building session at the Shah Alam Extreme Park; the most exciting and adrenalin-packed Sports Club activity of the year.
November 4, 2013
Taking a Turn at Pusing
I hit the road up north to Pusing, Perak in search for a wooden step ladder chair I found on the internet. I've been searching for something similar at KL but to no avail, until I stumbled upon Hung Lee Carpentry in an online trading website. "Pusing" in the Malay language means "Turn". It's just one of many small towns scattered along trunk roads in the rural country side, sharing the likes of Tronoh, Gopeng, Kampar, etc.
November 2, 2013